A very good day [ 2008-09-08, 3:36 p.m. ]

I had a great day. Everything's all sunny on behalf of Hurricane Hanna's leftovers. I now really like my classes, they're actually going good for me as I thought planned. Saw Terrance today and he looked sleepy. Poor him! Well, not really because he lives just around the school while I have to take the stupid bus with strange kids who don't know how to settle themselves. Anyway, my math teacher is total insanity, seriously. He looks up at the ceiling when he is walking up and down the aisle while he closes his eyes and he never says my name, but he says everyone else though and he makes me feel like the black sheep of the freaking class Ugh! And don't get me started with Study hall. That shit is stupid and there is nothing to do in it and I think my Study hall teacher is gay because it looked like he was flirting with this other teacher, but really he isn't but it looked like he was. Gym was sweaty, I didn't bring my stupid gym stuff and that was why so it was technically my fault. I just notice something I thought this was supposed to be a good day, not a complaining day oh well it still was good
Until Next Time,
Sammmy <3333

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