A Thing that I really miss... [ 2009-06-16, 7:39 a.m. ]

Hello I am showing you a thing I missed that is not really around, but it is well reconigzed when I was a kid.

Here's the deal: I'm going to take you back to the past....about a decade ago.

Pajama Sam
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Hopefully, you know who this is! It's Pajama Sam, the blue kid who is like an admirer of Pajama Man and trys to dress like up and pretend to be a hero. He is a computer game, if you will all know that. Pajama Sam was part of Humongous Entertrainment, a company that makes games like "Spy Fox", "Putt-Putt.", and "Freddi Fish." Oh, and "Fatty Bear." (It's a shame that Fatty Bear only had one computer game.) Pajama Sam had three computer games, "No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside." which is about Sam basically trying to capture Darkness. "Thunder and Lighting are not so frightening." is about Sam, being scared of something as usual, but in this case it is Thunder and Lighting, not Darkness this time. He goes to the sky and visits the weather department, which is basically an office, but for the weather and Thunder and Lighting are there. Sam pushes some wrong button and the weather goes all crazy and he has to fix it before Mother Nature, who is oddly a Onion, comes and sees. "You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet." is about food, obviously. Pajama Sam gets arrested for saying he needs to go home and eat some dinner and the (This is going to sound really retarted, but whatever.) junk food arrest him and he locked up in a Candy cellar jail made out of Candy Cane with a brocoli named FLorette. INSTEAD OF EATING HIS WAY OUT, he throws a bon-bon where the keys were hanging and broke off a candy cane of the cell and got out of there. Now he must find the other food because they are feuding with each other and Florette is part of the Peace Delegates group and she wants the Sweet food and the good food to stop fighting and compromise with each other. It was funny to watch food fighting, but Pajama Sam 3 is definetely political in some if you think about it, hahhahahha. Well, that is what I really miss. I used to play that game all the time when I was little, I had all three of them. I hadn't realized that another game came out from Pajama Sam, but it was just recently, it's called "Things Are Rough When You Lose You Stuff.", which is about obviously losing some particular items, I don't know because I haven't played that one, but I heard it is not as good as the others because Sam's voice is different because someone else is playing the voice. (Pamella Segall was the voice of Pajama Sam, as well as the voice for "Bobby" from "King of the Hill" and Spinelli from "Recess.") So I really missed these games, and it brings back memories, I still have the games, I maybe play those games later, even though they are for seven-year-olds, but they are fun!

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