Diaryland Dilemmas [ 2008-10-07, 10:17 p.m. ]

Sorry i've haven't wrote here for a very long time. I have been all worked up with this bunch of work they gave me the past few weeks since I'm new to the school because I'm obviously a freshman. Plus another reason why I not been on Diaryland is that my folks, well it's mostly my father, is being gay and not letting me on the computer because according to them, I was having an attitude when I wasn't, but whatever you how parents are, unfair and cruel. Oh, thank the lord for having a mobile, as British peoples would say .Hee! Hee! It is like I don't know what time it is on the east coast, which is a shame because I live there, but I know I'm like supposed to be sleeping now because I have to get up at freakin five'o'clock for school, but I am just writing this because I haven't written in days in here because of my stupid dad and also because I can't sleep, I just keep tossing and turning, but I'm going to sleep now, Good night Diarylanders, tell you about my past couple of weeks probably tommorrow when I get home after I have school. Toodles! Sammy

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