Strange Occurrences [ 2008-10-08, 5:00 p.m. ]

Okay the past few weeks have been filled with surprises and mischief, well not really mischief, but you get the picture! It was an odd week. Okay, here it goes, but let me take a deep breath first....

Pause for my breath....

Oaky doky, let's go!!!!! Stop, Look, and Listen guys!!!

Okay first things first, Terrance Godshall was like ignoring and not looking at me and not giving those butterflies I always get when I see him and then at the pep rally, he was all looking and at me and checking me out and I have to admit I was on cloud nine when he was doing that, I was sooo excited. Then, it got me going when he done my favorite thing I want him to do, watch me walk with his mouth open and keeps staring when I turn around. He was staring at me when my best friend, well one of my best friends, I have a lot of them online, faraway, and daily life best friends. Anyways, back to the story. Yeah, ONE of my best friends Annabella was lifted me up so I was sitting on her shoulders and I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw him staringggg and oh! I finally know where his homebase is and I now I stalk the premises of the room to see him, Haha! Just kidding! I am not a stalker!!! Anyways, speaking of Ter (that's what they call him at school!) he was wearing a cute outfit today that I recommend he should wear everyday. It's a blue polo and he wears like orangy sleeves under it. It is a cute outfit. Actually, he is a cute outfit!

Another strange thing happened to me. Well, I met this dude well I mention him in my diary like only once, but he turned out to be my friend and his name is Andy. Andy and I were so alike and he was so nice too. He would talk to me about things guys didn't regularly talk about, not even gay guys. He talked about his pet, showed me his undershirt and asked me if it was okay to wear for gym in English class which was a really akward moment, but Andy didn't care. That's what I liked about Andy, he didn't care what people thought about him, he does whatever he pleases and says what he wants to say. For once, I talked to a guy who wasn't immature. He talked about how he thought all the guys in Ulysses S. Grant were players and he even did that Ter Potter thingie when he looks at me when I walked. I know he liked me Andy, but unfortunately he had to leave to another state and the sad part of it, he hadn't said good-bye. I only knew him for like two weeks and still I felt liked I knew this dude like forever, it was so weird! I wish I had got to known him better. It is so unfair!

Last, but not least strange thing is this. My ex-best friend Terrance Godshall (oh god, another Ter to deal with) you know the one I like made a entry about how good he was a friend to me and how he was bad, well he suddenly wants to be friends again and this time, it seems different, he is acting like over-load best-friend mode and he is being nicer and I've been talking to him being a friend.... just a friend not a best friend... Not-uH! Not just yet, not until i get to trust him again, I'm putting my nose on this....

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