Hit the gym and then go to McDonald's after. [ 2008-12-02, 6:48 p.m. ]

Today was a cool day, I guess. I had to go to a gym makeup today and that wasn't very fun. Even thought there was barely anyone there, we had to run until her stomach hurts like crazy. The gym makeup teacher was like "Run for three minutes." but yet it didn't feel like we were running for that long, more like five or six, or maybe TEN! I was getting so dizzy for some reason when I was running, I don't know why, but I was and that never happens to me because I am never dizzy and I like never throw up, not that I am saying I did, but still. Maybe because I was light-headed, I dunno know or I was tired, dunno. This gym teacher dude was so weird, but he was cool, but the makeup went really fast, well it was probably because noone was there. While we were having the makeup, I think the girls' basketball team was going to play a game. All these people were there rooting for our school.

Another worse thing happened, I might of lost my math book at gym makeups, how ironic, since I hate math and all, but don't get me wrong I didn't do it on purpose. I wouldn't worry because it will turn up in no time, I mean who is gonna steal a math book? Uh, noone. Even mom reassured me that I will find it hopefully. Mr. Cadbury will totally understand that I couldn't do my homework because I lost my math book and maybe I'll have my math book by, hopefully.

I am fed up with Sally and Terrance. Sally, because she's always blowing me off, I told her I was going to McDonald's after gym makeups (Isn't that so awesome, working my freaking ass off from horrible gym makeups and after all that I go to McDonald's and pig out, well not nesscarily, but it's really ironice though, you know what I mean.) and she was like "Okay, look for me after you're done." So I say, "Okay, Sal, see ya!" and I waved her good-bye. So then keeping my word for Sal who rather be with her bestest bestest bestest bestest bestest bestest bestest friend Fran, doesn't meet me, well she could of at least meet me in a spot that's familiar, that I would known of. No, instead she doesn't meet me and I'm like fuck her, if she's going to be like that, then whatever, I thought she was supposed to be my best friend, well that's what I at least thought she was, but she's not because Melody is now. Like I know we didn't really made a place to meet, that would make sense like how I didn't find her, but she does this to me. One day, she's like "Meet outside by the oak tree after school." So I do and I am let out early because I have gym last and we get out early so I stayed there until the whole courtyard is cleared out of people, like when the everyone is out of the building because I can notice because there is like nooone left, so it's a long time waiting, since our school has a million kids or so. (I'm exaggerating, but you know what I am trying to say, we have numrous people at my school.) and she has a nerve to say that she was waiting for me for like fifteen minutes, when I was waiting for like forever. No, because she much rather wait for her BBBBBBBBBBBBBBFFF Fran, more than me. It's like as if Fran is her girlfriend or something, she's always so close to her and it kinda makes me sad because I never really talk to her anymore, it's like she's pushing all of her friends out of her life, for just one person. But she's going to learn, Fran might someday get bored of her and not be friends anymore. I am not taking that crap from her. Not from anyone. Oh and she had the nerve to say if I went to McDonald's, how rude.

Terrance is making me sad that I don't even want to talk about him. I wave at him and he gets me this mean look like "Argh!" like some dyfunctional pitbull grunt or something. I mean, like what's his problem, doesn't he kmow he is breaking every feelings I have for him, I mean I can't forget or get him out of my mind, because I in love with him. Truly, madly, deeply.

Like I said I went to McDonald's with oooler friend than Sally. I went with Dennis, Roxy, and went we got there we met up with a friend named Eric, whose really funny. I feel more comfortable with them than Sally and her stuck-up friends like Fran, who I really hate so much. Maybe because Roxy, Dennis, and Eric are my real friends? Probably. I had a McChicken and large fries (My favorite!) We were carking up because mostly me and Eric were cracking up. Maybe because the fact Eric was making fun of the people complaining about how they get fat eating the food at MCDonald's. He was eating a nugget and clutching his stomach saying. "I ATE A MCNUGGET!!!! I AM FAT, I FEEL MY ARTERTRIEES CLOGGING UP! CALL THE DOCTOR AND A LAWYER CUZ' I'M SUING MCDONALD'S FOR THIS NUGGET!" We were freaking cracking up. It was so cool to be with my REAL friends, unlike Sally. Omg this lady was pissed off because she didn't her food and she was like "What the hell is this?" and she literally thrust the money at the younger cute guy who works there. I was like to my friend Roxy "Oh shit. Someone's angry. That lady is pissed off." and she was luaghing, Roxy, not the lady. We had a great time. After we were done eating, we took the bus home.
Until Next Time,

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