Kev, the Stalker [ 2009-01-15, 3:34 p.m. ]

I am so not in mood to be Sammy today. Wanna know why? Cuz this kid named Kev in my math class is stalking me and it's really, really, creeping me out, seriously. It's not even funny. Okay, so I was mad at him, so I didn't talk to them, but whatever. Anyway, he send me a message saying I'm a bitch, hoe, slut, etc. So I don't answer, I just don't want anything to do with him. So the next day he apologizes to me in message, which I think it's pathetic, if you're going to apologize to someone, do it face to face, geez. And plus, I think didn't want to talk to him, because he's acting too wierd lately. So he send me another today, saying all this bullshit and stuff and it's frustrating me, seriously. I'm gonna tell my mom and dad about this when I get a chance because they are not home right now. So yeah....

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