Nice Guys Finish Last. [ 2009-01-30, 3:41 p.m. ]

Okay, today was such a messed up day
totally. Seems like every guy in school today seemed to have something up their butt. The only guy who seemed to not have an stick up their ass was Terrance, who was actually really sweet today for once, but the others were all beeyyatches. For example, Andy was being ignorant, he was saying something about somebody and I am angry at him for that. I said hi to him today, but he never answered me, that little fucking creeper. Then, when he was going to ask me for a pencil in Spanish I breezed past hima nd he seemed amazed that I walked away from him because his mouth was open as if like Terrance.

Whatever. Such a fucking bitch.

Also, Brady a.k.a. "Brady Bunch." was all ignoring me today and he didn't even talk to me like he did several times. Geez, he just walked past me not saying hi, he was just staring. He's a freakiiiiin wierdo. Why are all these guys all feeling pissy? Are they having a bad day and if they are, I don't care, just DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON ME!!!!!!!!! They're acting like G.I. Joes with PMS, seriously. Terrance was the only nice one, awww Ter, you're so sweet, my darling.

Andy and Brady, why, why, what is it that is urking you? sucks to your bitchness and take it like a man.

Seriously they are the wimpest guys I ever known.

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