Some Questions from a survey I stole from retro-cat [ 2009-02-09, 4:15 p.m. ]

Hehehe, I love surveys, actually I should say I love steal thim from people, I told this one a long time ago from retro-cat, but edited because it was very long so yeah, but here it is!!!

Do you prefer guys to be older or younger?: depends
By how many years?: one or two.
What style do you like in a guy?: A tall guy or someone with dreamy eyes. I am sucker for guys who wear glasses!
Do you like guys refined, or a bit rough around the edges?: both, I like them sweet and spicy
What eye colors do you most prefer in a guy?: blue or green, that's fucking sdexy right there. Also brown too.
How about their hair color? dirty blonde or anything more darker.
Do you really believe the big-feet big-junk thing?: yes....
Does a guy's looks mean a lot to you?: Yes, you don't want them to be all ugly and crap.
How about their personality?: Yeah, it just not about the looks. Personalities are cute too.
Would you date a not-so-good-looking guy who was a sweetie?: If i liked him.
How about a hottie that was kind of a jerk?: No, absoultely not, well... maybe. Lol!
What is an absolute deal-breaker when it comes to guys?: not being faithful and not being honest
Do you have any personal fetishes when it comes to guys?: ???
What do you notice first in a guy?: eyes and smile.
If a guy leaves the toilet seat up, are you bothered?: okay?
Should a guy open doors and pull out chairs for a girl?: It's not THAT necessary , but if they do then it's all right with me, I'd be flattered.
Do you prefer long-term, or one-night kinda things?: long term.
A proper date, or just 'hanging out'?: proper date.
Do you enjoy double dating?: I've never experienced it.
Do you date more than one guy at a time?: Um.. no.

11. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? No
12. Do you even know what that is? a fire drill.
13. Do you have a chair in your room? yes.

14. What are you doing tomorrow? go to school
15. Chinese or Mexican food? chinese.
16. Happy about that? It's freaking awesome?
17. Do you know someone named Betsy? Nope, I know the designer tho.
18. Where's the best place for a first date? Ice Skating.
19. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name? No, I don't. Cats are the best!!!
20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? Isty Bissy Spider.
21. Mr. Dressup or Mr.Rogers? Mr. Rogerm won't you be my neighbor?
22. AIM, yahoo, or MSN? AIm and yahoo
23. Screenname? I'm not telling
24. Do you play an instrument? No.
25. Do you like candy? Of course.
26. Are you allergic to anything? no.
27. Do you have a crush on anyone? Ugh, yes two people.
28. Who is it? Terrance and I'v developed a crush on Andy, tell ya more about it later!!
29. Have you ever been to a spa? No, I would love to.
30. Did you take science all four years of high school? currently working on that.
31. Do you like butterflies? They're okay.
32. Do you miss someone? Terrance
33. Do you think they miss you too? Pff.. yeah, like that'll be the day.
34. Have you ever seen your school counselor? Oh yes... it was ugly.
35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? Yeah, like in first grade.
36. What is one thing you've learned about life? Life is like a story: God is the writer and you are the publisher.

37. What is your favorite color? Blue and lilac.
38. Is anyone jealous of you? Yeah, because they wish they were me, lol!
39. Ever been stuck in an elevator? No.
40. What does your mom call you? my name, baby.
41. What do your friends call you? Sammy, Sam.
42. What does your hair look like right now? it's down.
43. Has a friend ever used you? of course.
44. Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend? no.
45. What have you eaten today? waffles, cocoa pebbles, chips, sandwich.
46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? naturally curly, but I straighten it.
47. Who was the last person you drove with? parents.

Do you�..?
Believe in god- Yes, he is the solution to all problems.
sleep w/ or w/out clothes on? With clothes.
dress up on halloween? Yes.
like to travel? Yes, I love to explore.
sleep on your side, tummy, or back? side. side.
think you're attractive? yup.
have a goldfish? No, I never had one.
ever have the falling dream? A what?
have stuffed animals? Unfotunately, yes.
go on vacation? yup.
believe in magic? Of course!
have to pay bills? no.
do your own laundry? no.
clean your house? no.
own a furby? yes.
stink? no.
Believe in the devil- ???
Lyk guys or girls- guys.
Lyk long or short hair- long and short.
Lyk hugs- yeah.
Lyk kisses- Dunnoa bout that yet, hehehe.
Lyk it wen its raining- it depends.
Snowing- Yes!!
Wen itz sunny- Yes!!
Have a job- No.
Keep a diary- yeah.
Wear make-up- No that much.
Lyk skool or h/w- hate and like school.
Lyk long surveys- Yeah!!!
Wear glasses- Sometimes.
Sing in da shower- Yes, when no one is at my house.
Have any peircings- Nope.
Luv sum1 at the moment- Yes!!!
Who- Dreamy Terrance!
No the national anthem- Yes, by heart.
Talk 2 urself- Yes.
Talk 2 ur petz- Yes.
Snore- Sometimes, but not that loudly.
Books: Poseur: The Good, The Fab and the Ugly.
Relative: my Auntie Pat.
College: No yet there, but all most.
Stores: Heritage.
Kind of chainletters: I hate those fucking gay shit things!
Poems: Dunno, acutally.
News channel: ?
TV shows: I love money 2
Five girl names: Clarissa, Josie, Louise, Roxy, and Heather.
Five boy names: Tom,Simon, Jack, Ethan, and Luke.
Top 5 Actresses you like: Drew Barrymore, Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Goldie Hawn, and Kirsten Dunst.
Top 5 actors you like: Shia LeBeouf, Daniel Radcliffe, Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks, and Alan Rickman.
Male singer: T.I.
Female singer: Kay Hanley.
CD: Weaponize.
Bands: Letters To Cleo.
Movies: Forrest Gump
Musical: Grease.
Song: I hate Everything- Shay Gerson
Website: diaryland!!
Music Award Show: Dunno!
Music Video: Girlfriend- By Avril Lavigne
Vegetable: Tomatoes.
Meal: Fried Chicken

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