OMG Guess what I had for dinner?!?! [ 2008-11-15, 8:47 p.m. ]

Omg, speaking of my obsession list, I had one of my obsessions for dinner today. And that was KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN!!! YUM! I had the big box meal and it was good, good, GOOOOOD!!!!!!
I was eating it on the couch while watching ICarly, hahahaha. My mother and dad went out to some beer'n'beef thingie, I helped set it up with my dad because he is part of the town commitee, so yeah. My mom just called me and said it's boring there, like there is nobody there. They were going to take me, but they were like no, they wouldn't think I would be allowed since they have beer and gambling there, but it's not like I am going to drink and bet, you know? Today was so windy that they said there was going to be a tornado watch until 7 at night today and thank god it didn't tornado or anything, but they're saying it's gonna thunder tonight since it was hot today. It was like 70 degrees. Yippee! NOt!
Until Next Time,
A happy fried chicken child Sammy!

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