Didn't snow, so yeah take that weather freaks from the weather channel!!!! [ 2008-11-19, 3:45 p.m. ]

Here is my day in a nutshell. Okay, first of all, it was supposedly going to snow, but obviously it didn't if I don't see white sheets of snow on the grass, so in your face WEATHER CHANNEL!!! HA HA HA HEE HEE HEEE!!!! calm down, Sam, being too evil, jeez. Anywho, I got some progress rpeorts today and I must say, is it like exams and report card or something? Because I've been the journals from my friends and they all describe something of an exam and a report card so yeah. A progress report isn't really a report card, they just give it to you every two weeks or so to see how you're doing in your classes. I am expecting my report card, which the school is going to mail to me, but it hasn't come yet, so I am uberishly worried about that because I seriously wanna see what I got on my report card and everyone got theirs in the weekend, so basically everyone has theirs except me. WHY ME?!?!? Oh well, they will send it, don't worry Sam!!

Kevin from math class is getting annoying sorta because he keeps telling me these false lies that someone to had said about me, like this piece of gossip he got, he was like "Danny said that you suck Nick's (my ex-friend, he is no longer my friend because he drifted away from me for no reason and is ignoring and only talking to me when he wants something like asking to borrow stuff. It is so sad to see friends come and go, but at the same time it was like Fuck it! I don't need them.) a-you-know-what." I was so shocked and appalled, but you know it could be true about what Kevin said because this Danny kid is really nasty. And Kevin was all "You going to beat him up?" And I was like no, why beat him up? I am going to curse him out, I garantee that, my friends, but not fight them because that only makes the problem more than it was, so yeah. That was my conversation with Kev in a nutshell, but like I said then again he could be lying and that is another why I am not going to beat up Danny because you're not really sure if Kev's information is accurate, you know. And for the past weeks, HE has been getting on my nerves, so yeah.....

Zeke didn't talk to me today nor did he even poke me, even though I wished he would in a wierd sort of way so I could of poke him back. I got good progess reports today. In Global Studies, Mr.Runge gave me a 100% Horrah!!!! In math, my teacher Mr. Cadbury originally gave me an F, but he is gonna change it because I show him the work that he marked as late, even thought I turned it in on the right time, though I didn't turn in the Combinations packet until today! hahahaha! He is gonna change my grade from F to B, another hoorah for me!!!!!
Last but not least my English teacher gave me an A. I don't get why math has to be the black sheep of my life?!!? Maybe because I don't like it??? Hmm.... maybe that is why because I don't get these problems in math like for example these ones:


Like I seriously don't get that. Like all you have to do is do the opposite and like have y by itself, but the problem is I don't get all of that!! It's like my brain doesn't want to process this information or something like that. ARGH!!!!!!!! I'll be fine, it'll be allright.

I am now waiting for my best friend Melody to sign in on her Im screename, after she begged me to go on aim after school and all and made me promise to go on it, but she is not on yet, oh well I guess she is doing her homework. An friend from the past sended me an email. I was very flattered about this because I haven't speak to this person in ages, literally. She went to an different school and now I never see her. Last time I saw her was like in sixth grade, so I am very glad she got my email (I don't know where she got it, probably my friend Hopper told her, since Hopper is close friends with with her.)and sended me a message.
Until Next Time,

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