He's backkkk!!!!! [ 2008-12-15, 3:58 p.m. ]

Omigawd, today must of been the greatest day EVER!!!!!!!! And so much surprises!!!!! I can't believe it, I'm seriously had butterflies throughout the day and no IT has nothing to do with stupid Terrance Potter (Well, he contributed a little, but he is not the cause of bumbling butterflies. Okay.... bumbling butterflies does NOT sound right, let's just pretend we hadn't said it in the first place, Sammy, remain calm!) Okay, let me start my super-awesomeness story that DOESN'T involve Terrance! (Well, it kinds does, but not really- oh! YOU GET THE PICTURE!!! Sorry, guys but I am all hyped up, beeyatches!!! Hahahaha, just kidding!) Anyway, I was walking to my social studies, minding my own business, just walking to my class, not even knowing that someone I knew that moved like when school started is now back to the school, when I saw Jared walking with some kid. I was thinking to myself "That looks like Andy," (Andy is this really nice dude, I talked about him moving in a journal entry called Strange Occurences.)So Jared says "Hi Sammy, today is my b-day, I'm fifteen." and I'm like "Really?" And he's like "Yeah, I'm really am fifteen." And I was like "Oh." And then someone said. "Hey, there's Sammy!!!" And then I was like, What? (In my head, I didn't say What? out loud.) Then, I saw Andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LIKE OHEMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I was so happy, he didn't know how much I missed him so much, aww and he was happy to see me. I wanted to hug him, but I didn't want him to think I was weird or something like that. Instead I exclaimed, "Oh my god, Andy, you're back." And then he smiled, I was really really really really glad to see him, I mean I was devasted when he left, I thought I was never gonna see him and that I guess it was meant to be for him to leave, even thought I didn't want him to, but HE CAME BACK!!!!! See! THERE IS A GOD OUT THERE FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DON'T BELIEVE!!!!!! HE ANSWERS PRAYERS!!! You know what was the funny part of it all? I had a strange feeling that Andy was going to return to Ulysses S. Grant, but I never knew it was gonna be now, but I am extremely grateful that he is back in PA!! It sucks that he doesn't have the same classes like the last time he was here, but oh well, it'll be okay!

Apparently Jared doesn't like my best friend anymore, thanks to stupid Zeke, which who I think is a total complete asshole for telling Carly that Jared likes her and making Jared feel so small that he could just disappear..... ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!! Poor little ol' fella, Zeke is such a bastard, I smacked him really hard for humiliating BOTH Carly and Jared! Because Carly was so confused that I had to tell her what was going on because poor girl! She was gonna break down in hysterics anytime because Calvin, Zeke, and Mitchell (Mostly, Zeke!) were surrounding her, telling her that Jared likes her and she was all "What?" She was all red from embarrasment. I told her what was going on and she was so digusted, I mean come on, Jared, I have to admit, is a really big nerd! I mean, she doesn't want to go with some nerd, that'll be social sucicide and plus he's not her type, she doesn't think he's cute and I don't think so either, but she was all "Ewwwwwwww!!!!!" when she past his locker. She was all "Why can't someone else like me?" She was all bewildered of what Zeke told her. And on top of that, she sits across from him in one of our classes. This totally sucks, I fell bad for both of them. Jared, being embarrassed thanks to Zeke in front of the girl he really likes..... ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! (Did I mention that already? Well, I just HAD to emphasize it again!) Carly, for being confused and humiliated because Jared likes her and everyone staring at her like she's some circus freak. Now Jared is all sad and he is denying the fact he ever liked Carly and that he is gonna beat up Zeke (Which I am proud of him for deciding on beating up Zeke.) for him telling Carly that he likes her. Poor lad, and today WAS HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Until Next Time,

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