The Letter Z! [ 2008-12-22, 4:02 p.m. ]

Hello Diaryland Diary!

My weekend was really horrendous, but it turned out to be good in the end. First, on Friday, we got our Christmas tree and today we might decorate it. On Saturday, I went to the mall and dad and mom were squabbling like brother and sister. They were making something so simple so controversial: Where to eat. My mother wanted this and dad wanted that, it was like crazy and nuts because I was stuck in the middle of it and I didn't care where we ate. So we finally ate at Burger King, which was cool because I got to eat Cheesy Tots. I have to admit Burger King is better than stupid McDonald's, I hate McDonald's now, their food is too greasy. Burger Czar forever, as the Russians would say. Sunday, which was yesterday, was my dad's birthday. We went to the mall again and soon to accomplish nothing AGAIN because my father and mother were bickering once again and this time it was about: Shoes. My mom wanted shoes for Christmas, blah and then she wanted these pairs but they weren't there and she got all angry at my dad and started flipping out on him that he should of gotten them earller and that they wouldn't have this problem. Ugh, I hate Christmas shopping! We got nothing for nobody, except for me, my grandma, my godmother, any my aunt who lost Muffins. All we need is my godfather and his spoiled kids' presents and my grandfather and that is it. But nooooooooo, some people have to fight so it's their fault that hadn't gotten PRESENTS IN TIME!!!! My printer wasn't working yesterday and I had a project due today, but hmmm..... it seems to my teacher that it's due TOMORROW. Are you serious? I could of gotten it done TODAY, instead of missing half of my dad's birthday party doing my project. Well, I was done all of it Thursday, but I had to print it out last night because all this week my ink was all dried up because I hadn't used it in a while, like this is my first project of the school year. But I still had to make a cover for it and I had to use the printer for it, so......... yeah! Dad had fun at his party, he wasn't even affected by the Eagles' lost to the Redskins. We eat some caker, which a Cavel Ice Cream Cake shaped like a Snowman. It was cute looking too. We gave him an alarm clock and a razor. He liked all of his presents, I am glad.

Okay I am playing this game I got from my friend retro-cat *Thanks retro-cat!*
and I guess you have to name as much stuff as you can of the letter you have, kinda like Scatgories, but without the categories. If you liked to play, ask me and pick out a letter like retro-cat picked for me. Now the letter is Z. Time to list the names and describe them.

Zen Foutain- I looooooooooooooooove these things, they're the best no doubt. I was at this toy store called Smart Toys one day and I saw some of them, they are just so beautful, pleasant, and peaceful.

Zebra- I loooooooooove Zebra, they are so cute. I saw this movie once, but I forgot what it was called, but it was a about a Zebra who wanted to be a racehorse. The Zebra was named Stripes, I think in the movie. It was cute.

Zoom- Okay, if you ever watched PBS growing up in the nineties, then you would possibly know about this show called Zoom! which was these dancing kids in the theme song singing, "Zooma, Zooma, Zoom!" and they would show how to make things like projects, kinda like Bill Nye the Science Guy, minus the science. It was cool. I especially loved the theme song. I used to watch it when I was little. They don't have it anymore, a shame.

Zenon, Girl the 21st Century,-
This is the best movie everrrr well from Disney Channel. Raven Symone and Kirsten Storms stars in it. (Kirsten is Zenon, Raven is her close friend in the movie.) It's about Zenon, a girl who lives in space and like wins some contest to see some British rock guy who is from Earth and she like goes there to Earth to visit because she's trouble or something and like she has to save space eventually. I don't remember much of that movie because it's been a long time because they never show that movie anymore on Disney Channel and plus, I watched that movie when I was little in ninties!

Zeus- God of all Greek Gos, mighty ruler of Mount. Olympus. I think his brother was Poseidon, god of the sea. I like Poseidon better if you ask me, Zeus sounds mean with his lgihting bolts and his control of the weather. Yikes.......

Zodiac- I like the Zodiac. Okay, not the movie or the killer, but my Zodiac. I love checking the horoscope and some of it is junk and some of it is true, like one time, it'll say someone who didn't new too well is going to come back nad that Andy and he came back from California. Hahahaa.

That is all. I leave you with this. Just don't random dance to too much all right? You might get chemicalized, is that even a word? Don't mind me, I'm getting my hypeness back. I AM so weird! Cool

Until Next Time,

P.S. He is so wierd, Bill.

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