When It Rains... It Pours... [ 2009-04-15, 4:25 p.m. ]

Today was an okay day. A bit rainy, but not too much, but gray. School was fun. Epecially when Martin is in my class. But today, it seemed like he couldn't talk to me, probably because we were taking a test. That test was fucking hard, I hated it so badly. I absolutely flunked that test. I am tired, I don't even have nothing to say today. Terrance was copying off of me and it's getting annoying. When I bring in my Ipod, he does the next day and imitates me. He did that before, it's not the first time he had done this. The other time was when I had my cell phone out calling someone and I could feel him staring at me for no reason and then the next day, he would come with his little ass celly on his hand. One day, I had my head down when I walked past and the next day, he did the same thing. I swear, it so ANNOYING!!! Maybe I should experiment? Hm.... Imma going to try and I'll keep you guys updated about it. Help me think of plans if you like, I'd like that favor.
Keep It Sammy, guys.
(Wow, that was lame.)

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