Tunred Out To Be A Very Lovely Day [ 2009-04-21, 3:48 p.m. ]

Yipee! The sun is at its highest in the sky, I've missed the sun for a while, it has been rainy for the past few days and I hated it so much, seriously. I love the sunshine. On Saturday, I went to play tennis and boy! Was I tired! I had been aching for decades as it seems. Yesterday, I was gonna write in my diary, but I couldn't because my right arm was all "Arggh!" I'm okay now, I don't ache too badly, it's now neutral, just my upper arms sting a bit, but it is all good. Jesus, if you would of saw me after my "brutal" tennis match, you would of thought I was seriously intoxicated, I barely couldn't see straight and I wasn't even walking straight. Jesus, I am too LAZY!!! I gotta stay from now on. Maybe I wouldn't be hurting like I am.

Today was a great day for me. Mr. Cadbury was all cheery and to be honest, I'm doing really good in math. We are doing Alegebra 2 stuff and it is really easy to me, I'm not longer confuse, but I occassionally ask questions just to make sure I am doing things by the book if you know what I mean. Mr. Cadbury said I was a "Genius." I took that as a very generous compliment. Yay!! Math is totally awesome.... NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still reading Romeo and Juliet, and boy is it crazy. They wanna get married already?!?! Damn, they only met that night and jeez, is Juliet is pushy. She wants to marry Romeo NOW or else.... Geez, and the next day they get marry and now they're ready to do it. On my lord!! They're a character, aren't they? A pair of star-crossed lovers, how romantic...... How kinda stalkerish. No offense, Romeo can kinda be a stalker, but he is so funny. He's a lover, not a fighter. I love this play, I understan every word they are saying!!!!

Martin saw me in the hallway and confronted me. Awww, how sweet, we walked to our next class we had together, he is so cool. We were talking and chatting away and I was so ectastic to be next to him in the crowded, talking animately to him. You know, even if we were in a crowded hallway, it felt like we were the only ones roaming around it. TERRANCE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!! Why? Because me and my homies are going to beat him up. He is an ungrateful little boy who has nothing else to do, but copy off what I am doing. And because Terrance never did anything to me, he is plain as my white sock!! He is not funny, nor polite to girls and ain't cool either. TERRANCE NEVER WALKED ME TO MY CLASS BEFORE!!!! HE NEVER MADE ME LAUGH LIKE MARTIN HAD SEVERAL TIMES!!!!!!!!! Sike, I'm not going to beat him up, but I AM fed up with him. He is so ugly as shite.

I hate Science. Stupidest class ever. Everyone likes to call my science teacher names like "Pee Wee Herman." It is so mean, but funny at the same time. Ugh, Science urks me because it is stupid and I think it has no meaning to ME!!!! Well, it actually does, but you know what I mean. Meaning I'm sooooooooooooo fed up with science like I am with Terrance!!! Blehh........

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