Smelling So Fresh With Your New Cologne. [ 2009-04-27, 3:38 p.m. ]

Today was a pretty good day. It was hot again and everyone in school was complaining about it, ugh, but the key to not be hot is to relax yourselves and that's a great way to keep coooooooooooooooooooooooooool. I am so fucking pissed. Kev was saying shit on my page and he's denying ever writing fucking shit on it. He says his J wrote that (You remember Kev, you know the stalker? If you don't, read my entry Kev, the Stalker for a little walk down memory lane.) First of all, you dumb-ass bastard, don't show your little freaky friends my page or else.... and if you claim to be my "friend" and didn't "write" all of that shit, then don't let your "friend" write that. Seriously, this is so stupid-ass games, thank goodness I have diaryland in my life. It is like a sweet escape from my usual crazy life.

Mattin was here and he smelled goooood. (Not that he stinks, but I just noticied he changed his cologne, now he smells heavenly, ahhhhh!!) Oh! I wish I could stay in class and just smell him, which is a kind of wierd thing to say. It's not like I sniffed him, but he kept turning around to face me and I could smell it. I should totally get him to fight Kev, because I know if Martin hears people messing with me, he'll totally beat their ass in a second. Oh my gosh!!!! Martin's right there, right next to Leonard Whiting, lol!!!

Oh my freaking gosh, my last class was hell, seriously. It was so hot I was definetely in a fucking haze, jeez. They had no air-conditioner in there and I was unbelivably hot. It distracted me from doinh any kind of work, so I really didn't do much last period. hahahaha, not!

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